Thank you for supporting Reaching Heights
AHS Foundation
Cedars Legacy Fund
The Cleveland Foundation
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
Guido & Christine DiGeronimo Foundation
The Jonathan and Karry Hatch Family Fund at the Cleveland Foundation
Mollusca Fund
The Thomas Piraino & Barbara McWilliams Family Foundation
The Louis & Sylvia Rosenblum Memorial Philanthropic Fund
The David P. and Elizabeth A. Shriver Fund at the Cleveland Foundation
The Wolpert Fund at the Cleveland Foundation

2018 Board of Directors
CH-UH Public Libraries
Cleveland Heights Teachers Union
Dell Technologies
Forest Hill Church
FRIENDS of the Heights Libraries
Future Heights
Heights Dental Group
Lake Erie Ink
Mac's Backs - Books on Coventry
Nova Title Agency, Inc.
Parker Hannifin Foundation
The Progressive Insurance Foundation
Roxboro Elementary PTA
Roxboro MS PTA
The Sherwin-Williams Company
St Paul's Episcopal Church
Stone Oven Cafe & Bakery
Tommy's Restaurant
Verne & Ellsworth Hann, Inc.
Dr. Christopher Brandt and Dr. Beth Sersig
Carol and Bill Bruml
Mia and Joe Buchwald Gelles
Tom Fello
Jamie Holliday
Carl Jenks
Susie Kaeser and Jerry Blake
Erick Kauffman and Lucene Wisniewski
Malia Lewis and Margot Damaser
Stephen and Nancy Markus
Bruce Patti
Jim and Debbie Vail
Dennis Wilcox and Shelley Kazan-Wilcox
$500 - $999
Kate Chapman
Janet Jones
Elizabeth Kirby
Donna Lalewicz and John Houdek
Fred and Bonnie Mills
Patrick and Heather Mullen
John and Barbara Schubert
Sharilee and Jeffrey Walker
$250 - $499
Alexis Abramson and Chris Sklarin
Pam and Dave Adamson
Cassandra and Donald Brooks
The Brown-Mahlke Donor Advised Fund
Joan Drushel
Jessica Fox and James Kramer
Barbara and Roger French
Simona Mkrtschjan
Sarah O'Keeffe and Sam Lapides
Paul and Connie Omelsky
Amy Paller Cohen and Etahn Cohen
Gregory Passov
Don Poduska
Bill and Jan Resseger
Dallas and Bill Schubert
Larry Sisson
Jim and Rique Sollisch
Peggy Spaeth
Bert and Alice Stratton
Michael Ungar and Deborah Warner
Scott and Beth Wachter
Rick and Barbara Wherley
Don and Dorothy Zito
The Jeffrey Charles Altonen Chair Gift from Sue and Howard Maier
The Bellini Family Cello Chair
Gift from Suzanne Bellini -
The David and Doris Budin Chair Gift from David and Doris Budin
The Dunbar Family Chair
Gift from Mary Dunbar ​ -
The Gary Friedman Oboe Chair
Gift from Gary Friedman​ -
The Daniel Heim Chair
Gift from Kim Bambakidis​ -
The Susie Kaeser Chair
Gift from Tom & Dorothy Bier -
The Kazdan-Gooch Chair
Gift from David Kazdan & Laura Gooch ​ -
The Katt Family Chair
Gift from Don and Maribeth Katt
The Helen Lalewicz Violin Chair Gift from Donna Lalewicz
The Oliver Family Chair
Gift from Louisa & Solomon Oliver -
The Patti Family Chair Gift from Doug Patti
The Resseger Family Chair
Gift from Bill & Jan Resseger -
The Schubert Family Chair
Gift from Barbara & John Schubert -
The Sersig/Brandt Family Chairs (4)
Gift from Beth Sersig & Chris Brandt -
The Norine Sharp Chair
Gift from Blanche & Jack Valancy -
The Shumaker Chair
Gift from Sharon Shumaker & Mark Chupp -
The Sourini-Korane Family Chair
Gift from Jodi Sourini & Ken Korane -
The Wolpert-Lesser Family Chair
Gift from Susan Wolper & Ray Lesser -
The Kenneth Hall Woodside Flute Chair
Gift from Beth Woodside
$100 - $249
Laurie Albright & Brian Larson
Mary Barkley
Geoff & Maryann Barnes
Lloyd & Betsey Bell
Kristi Bergren
Pam Bertaud & Ray Gonzalez
Ron & Lisa Boyko
Carolyn Broering-Jacobs
Claire Brugnoletti
Mia & Joe Buchwald Gelles
Carolyn Cacho-Bowman
Arnold & Bonnie Caplan
Hillel Chiel
Jeff Dean & Barbara Claas
Amy Paller Cohen & Etahn Cohen
Fiona Conner
Melinda Colquitt
Jim & Claudia Cull
Jeff Dean
Suzanne DeGaetano
Kirk & Sara Dietrich
Lee DiGeronimo
Dr. Morris S. Dixon, Jr.
Donna Driscoll
Brian Smith & Marji Edguer
Jim Wright & Linda Elonen-Wright
Sarah Evans
Reginald Evans & Terri Woodruff-Evans
Traci Ext
Andrew & Leigh Fabens
Donna Fox
Beth Woodside & Tom Frattare
Barbara French
Krissy Dietrich Gallagher & Mark Gallagher
Cindy Gherman & Peter Whiting
David Goldstein
Lita Gonzalez & Mark Phillips
Jim Grenwis
Joy Henderson & Phil Lammers
Bill Hughes & Robin Grant Hughes
Donna Guilmette & Reid Vail
Ken Montlack & Christine Henry
Jack & Betty Hubbard
$100 - $249
Doug Hastings & Ranelle Huber
Kim Conklin & Damir Janigro
Robert Jeffreys
Phil & Amy Jenkins
Mark Jones & Linda Johnson
Caroline Kaczala & Geoffrey Wilson
David Kazdan & Laura Gooch
Clo Kempt-Mitchell
Dottie Klemm
Nancy Klein
Diane Mather & WT Klima
S. Lee Kohrman
Bonnie Lake
Deanne & John Lentz
Christine Link
Fran & Jim Lissemore
Julie & Gary Lustic
Lynne Maxwell
Christopher & Gaylee McCracken
Janet McGrath
Anne Kugler & Stacy McGaugh
Ed & Louise McKinney
Cynthia Larsen & Joe Mendes
Larry & Barbara Mlynek
Esther & Milton Moss
Habib Musawwir
Betsy Neylon
Samuel & Suzanne Nigro
Solomon & Louisa Oliver
Jon Goldman & Karstin Olofsson
Paul & Connie Omelsky
Dennis & Nancy Osgood
Nancy & John Peppler
Kenneth & Katherine Petrey
James Posch
Keith & Margaret Robinson
Joy Roller
$100 - $249
Jim Roop
Bruce Ryder & Judy Frumker Ryder
Nancy & Larry Schwab
Joe & Marla Shafran
Marj Craft & Carolyn Shepherd
Ann Sherif
Elizabeth Short
Yvonne Shuster
Jane Simeri
Lucy Simm
Mark Singer
Chris Sklarin & Alexis Abramson
Jim & Rique Sollisch
Sharmon Sollitto & Michael Lederman
John & Claudia Spencer
Derry Stauffer & Kathy Hanna Stauffer
Bert & Alice Stratton
Linda Striefsky & James Carlson
Jim & Mary Swindal
Linda Tobin
Peter Tuttle
Michael Unger
Steve & Carolyn Warner
Corey Smith & Laura Weber Smith
Vikki Nowak & Gregory Webster
Nancy Machmer & Mark Wessels
Richard & Barbara Wherley
Lucene Wisniewski & Erick Kauffman
Ditte Wolin & Ari Klein
Diana Woodbridge
Martha Wright
Mary Zenisek & Scott Krupkin
Up to $100
Mike & Mazie Adams
Susan Alcorn
Ed Becker & Karen Allen
Helen Anderson
Christine Anderson
Joseph & Betsy Andrews
John Angus
Harriet Applegate
Dan & Becky Austin
Joyce Roper & Christopher Ball
Donald Banas
Sheryl & Joseph Banks
Russell & Lois Baron
Ed Becker & Karen Allen
Judith Beeler
David & Christine Bell
Bob & Phyllis Benjamin
Pauline Benjamin
Ray Gonzalez & Pam Bertaud
David Biegel
Tom & Dorothy Bier
Michael & JenniferBier
Glenn & Anne Billington
Ed & Chessie Bleick
Henry Bloom & Marily Malkin
Caitlin Sullivan & Joseph Borus
Sheldon Braverman
Barbara Brennan
Mary Ann Brennan
Phyllis Brody
David & Linda Buckle
Kari Elsila & Michael Buescher
Tim & Gayle Burdick
Molly Burke
Judge Janet Burnside
Ann Calkins
Laurence & Susan Channing
Althea Cheatham
Mac & Laura Chisolm
Roger & Patty Clary
Elizabeth Clough
Janet Clymer
Adele Cohn
Martha Colbert
Roslyn Collins
Erica & Paul Colton
Kim Conklin & Damir Janigro
Nathaniel & Nancy Cooke
Deborah Cummings
Arnold & Susan Dahm
Rachel DeGolia
Greta DeMeyer & Walter Lambrecht
Jeanne & Ken Diamond
Bernard Doherty
Eve McPherson & Jeffrey Donnelly
Robert & Vincetta Dooner
Linda & Mike Dudzinsky
Mary Dunbar
Jeff Dyck
Lynn & Erwin Edelman
Maryann Elder
Belinda Farrow
John & Elizabeth Feighan
Donald Feke
Mark Finkenbine
Hugh Fisher & Deanna Bremer
Howie Smith & Barbara Fitzhugh
Adam & Susan Fleischer
Adam Flinchbaugh
Lynne Ford
Linda Miller & Steve Forgerson
Emily & Anthony Forniti
Richard & Nancy Fort
Andrea Freeman
Donald Freedheim
Sarah Fulton
Up to $100​
Darrin & Ruby Gamble
Bill & Sally Ganger
Peter Garlock
Mike & Lisa Gaynier
Dorinda Gershman
Bartolomeo & Amanda Giannattasio
Christopher & Maribeth Gibbon
John & Pam Gibbon
Tom & Carol Gibson
Michael Salkind & Carol Gill
Roy & Connie Gillen
Susan & Richard Glaser
Al & Lynn Glickson
Lance Godard
Gloria Goldstein
Denine Goolsby
Karen Gotwald
Alvin Gray
Dale Greenbaum
Stuart & Kathleen Greenberg
Lois & Andrew Gross
Cheryl & Thomas Hanger
Suzanne Harrington
Holly Selvaggi & Clark Harvey
Tom & Paula Harvey
Daniel Heintz
Philip & Dawn Heintzelman
Marcie & Steve Helfgott
John & Susan Hersch
Jen Holland
Donna Lalewicz & John Houdek
Lillian Houser
Alexander & Nancy Jamieson
Susan Carver & Jeff Janata
Sue & John Janssen
Alan & Joanne Javorcky
Robert & Pat Jeffreys
Karly Whitaker & Steven Kanner
Leslie Kaplansky & Scott Imka
Kay Martin & Dennis Keating
Zhamak Khorgami
Anita King
Robert & Nancy Klein
Peter & Kathy Klein
Dottie Klemm
Ken Perelman & Ann Kocks
Deborah Kohrman & Paul Dion
Lenore Kola
Steven Kordalski
Rick & Ginger Labus
Maureen Lamb
Mick & Peggy Latkovich
Robert Layton
Donald Banas & Chloann Leidy
Barbara Levin
Larry & Bonnie Lindberg
Patrick Chen & Yurong Liu
Patricia & Kenneth Lohiser
Michael Madorsky
Henry Bloom & Marilyn Malkin
Dennis Keating & Kay Martin
Paul Masem
Sarah May & Park Goist
Dan & Donna MacDonald
Fred & Barb McDonald
Walter Nicholes & Nina McLellan
Richard & Marilyn Meadows
Crandall & Carla Miller
Fred & Bonnie Mills
Gregory & Susan Miracle
Christine Morris
Hilton & Sheila Murray
Dorathea & Charlie Muruako
Betty Nelson
Up to $100
Kara & Jeff O’Donnell
Sue & Eric Pardee
James & Marian Patterson
Margaret Peacock
John & Deborah Peet
Linda Tobin & Stephen Pepper
David & Judie Perelman
Margaret Gudbranson & David Pethtel
Diane & James Pexa
Donald & Donalene Poduska
Kaye Price
Quentin & Gay Quereau
Larry & Susan Rakow
Laura Rampe
Alan Rapoport
Bruce Catalano & Ann Reichsman
Marc & Connie Reider
Josefina Resendiz
Susan Roberts
Carol Ann Roe
Julian Rogers
Robert & Barbara Rosenbaum
John Hubbard & Amy Rosenbluth
Debby Rosenthal
Mark Sack
Gerry & Mina Saidel
Joan Spoerl & Ken Sakaie
Sue & Lou Salvator
Kara & John Schellenberg
Janet Schied
Georgeann Schmidt
Richard Schreiber
Larry & Nancy Schwab
Jes Sellers
Heather Ways & Jerry Sgro
Paul Shick
Roger & Cheralyn Shumaker
Yvonne & Charles Shuster
Dean & Judy Sieck
Jane Simeri
Rufus & Yvonne Sims
Jeffrey & Anne Smith
Dorothy Sobolewski
Katherine Solender
Glenn & Pat Solomon
Ruth D’Emilia & Bob Soreo
Jodi Sourini
Peggy Spaeth
Susan Kent & Ben Sperry
Andrew Steiger
Ellen & David Stenson
Cherly Stephens
Mike Madorsky & Liz Stern
Carl Goldstein & Lucinda Stevens
Jackie & Don Stimpert
Thomas & Christine Sumner
Philip & Sarah Taylor
Annamarie Tomaro
Leonard & Kerstin Trawick
Howard & Judith Van Kleef
Dee Vehar
Michael Vender & Toby Briskin
Scott & Beth Wachter
Anne Hooper Webb
Bob & Brenda Weltman
Edward & Amy Wertheim
Rick & Barbara Wherley
Mayethel White
Allen Wilkinson
Pat Cangelosi-Williams & Chuck Williams
Jeffrey Wolcowitz
Chris & Susan Wood
Dan & Ellen Worthington
Edward & Catherine Yandek
Melissa Yasinow
Adrienne & Lanny Yelsky
Reaching Heights is a non-profit public charity exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We regret and will promptly correct any errors or omissions.