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Many Villages

Since 2005, our Many Villages in-school tutors have supported the Cleveland Heights-University Heights schools. Each school's program is managed by a volunteer coordinator and staffed by a school-based team of volunteer tutors who rely on the guidance of teachers. This program offers parents and community members a way to support academic progress and community engagement by way of a structured and targeted tutoring approach. 


Volunteer tutors deliver over 1200 hours of support to more than 140 children each year. Volunteers receive training, orientation, on-going feedback, and heartfelt appreciation from teachers and students alike. 

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“I was able to provide extra focused intervention for kids that had critical needs, and provided another caring adult for a kid that struggled with behavior/emotional issues.”  

-Volunteer, Noble Elementary School 

Many Villages’ literacy intervention has provided emerging readers with critical help building pre-reading skills like letter shapes and sounds, consonant-vowel-consonant blending, and sight words. Many Kindergarten teachers have chosen to partner with our volunteers to ensure targeted students benefit.


Enthusiastic individuals who can commit as little as one hour, one day per week to as much as 2 hours, 4 days per week are always needed. Volunteer Coordinator positions are limited and assigned. Orientation/training takes place in September and January, however new tutors can be added throughout the school year. Although no experience is required, we do ask that volunteers be dependable, flexible and willing to submit to a criminal background check. 

"We not only see results with the students academically growing but having an adult  who takes time to care is a priceless gift."

-Volunteer Coordinator 

Become a Many Villages volunteer! Complete the volunteer form and we'll be in touch soon!

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