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Summer Music Camp Registration

June 9 - 14, 2025
Camper Information

Campers spend one period each day in an elective where they explore new instruments, rhythms, harmony, and improvisation in a workshop atmosphere. No previous experience is needed and the instruments and materials will be provided by the camp.  We try to match each camper with their first choice. Please indicate your top two preferences with a 1 and a 2 in the box next to the elective.






Camp tuition is $200. A deposit of $25 is expected with registration. The remaining $175 is due by the first day of camp.  A second child's tuition is reduced by $25. Click the yellow Donate button below to make an online payment.  Mail a check to Reaching Heights, 13500 Pearl Road Ste 139 (PMB 166), Strongsville, OH 44136

Tuition Assistance: We want every interested musician to attend camp. To apply for financial assistance, please indicate amount of financial need in the following field           

AND complete the Tuition Aid Form via the button below​​​


If your plans change prior to May 31, 2025 please let us know in writing or by email and we will withdraw your camper and return any payments you have made (minus a $10 administration fee).  After May 31 refunds are only allowed for medical or other emergencies.  A written request that includes an explanation is required. After the first class of instruction, no refunds will be provided.

Media Release: 

Reaching Heights will photograph and write about the camp for its publications and for the community. The media may also want to cover the week.  We would like your permission to include your child in these news stories, reports, and photographs.

Parent/Guardian Agreement:

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